On behalf of the Directors, we hope that you all had a good Easter/Pesach break with your families. Welcome to the second edition of our Newsletter, M.E.F. The month of April was a hard month for Hong Kong but thankfully it seems that we have turned the corner and things are improving with the number of Covid cases and the numbers of fatalities thankfully decreasing. Hopefully in June the Social Welfare Department will permit us to conduct parties with the full birthday experience of fun with games, cakes, birthday gifts and eating and drinking, together.
Our first issue of M.E.F was sent out to all our Supporters and Friends in Hong Kong and as far away as South Africa and Papua New Guinea. It was well received with many commenting on its design and being a useful way of communicating with the Birthday Happiness Asia family.
It is with the regret that we must inform our Friends and Supporters that the two parties scheduled for May have had to be postponed to at least June because the Social Welfare Department has given limited authorisation for any activities to be conducted in any Centres they are Sub venting.
The proposed parties with the Hans Andersen Club on Saturday, 14th May, 2022 and the party with the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Hong Kong on the Saturday, 28th May have to be postponed because the Social Welfare Department is taking a very cautious approach. Sad news for Birthday Happiness Asia.
In the last issue of M.E.F, we informed you on Tuesday, 22nd March, Mr. Edward Fernandes was interviewed by Ms. Kylie Knott, a Reporter with the South China Morning Post by Zoom. He explained to Ms. Knott the concept behind Birthday Happiness Asia and the motivation of our Founder, Mrs. Marilou Edora Fernandes’ desire to see no child suffer the pain she felt because she could not celebrate her birthday, even once.
The article appeared online on 22nd April and on Sunday 25th May in the magazine section. If you have not seen the wonderful article yet please view at: https://www.scmp.com/magazines/post-magazine/arts- music/article/3175065/hong-kong-charity-holds-birthday-parties-less
The article has generated a lot of interest with offers to be Volunteers, monetary donations, donations of toys, offers to make cakes for future parties and assistance with helping Birthday Happiness Asia reach even more less fortunate children in Hong Kong.
Ms. Knott said whilst interviewing Mr. Fernandes that her article would generate a lot of interest because Birthday Happiness is a “worthy cause”. Her words have come true with many people who contacted us saying they love the concept and could see the advantage of every child celebrating their special day at least once in their lifetimes. We owe Ms. Knott a big thank you for making Birthday Happiness Asia better known in Hong Kong.
We are hoping to have some of the Donors, Supporters and Volunteers who contacted Birthday Happiness Asia after seeing the article to contribute their thoughts to the next Newsletter with what attracted them to us and how they are hoping to help us.
In the last issue of M.E.F we told you that we are in discussions with the Senior Management of the Boys’ and Girls’ Club Association about conducting parties with them. The Boys’ and Girls’ Club Association helps many less fortunate children in Hong Kong with 7 small group homes, 38 school stationing social work services, 20 integrated children and youth service centres, 3 children centres and 60 special projects. Ms. Jessie Lam the Officer in Charge of the Tin Shui Wai Small Group Home at Boys’ and Girls Club Association has tentatively agreed to having our first party with the Association in her Centre on Saturday, 18th June, 2022. Time to be confirmed later.
Once the Senior Management of the Boys’ and Girls Club Association see for themselves the benefits of a simple birthday party, they will allow the deliverance of more birthday happiness to less fortunate children in their suitable centres.
An analysis by WIX, the host of the Birthday Happiness Asia website has shown that after the webpage was revamped by Andrew Spires the site performed far better than expected. The revamped website was uploaded in the middle of March. Search Engine Optimisation has shown that the site had 117 Site Sessions and 3% Active Leads. People have clicked through to the website after a Goggle search. Normally this takes some time and there seems to be a real interest in Birthday Happiness Asia and people are looking us up.
Mr. Spires revamped the webpage so it appears higher in any Goggle search. He has stated that as more items like the South China Morning Post article are added it will drive more traffic towards our website. Ms. Knott kindly put our webpage in her article and hopefully this will generate even more traffic and interest in Birthday Happiness Asia.
We are expecting even more interest now that the South China Morning Post article has appeared. With more people discovering us the level of traffic will grow and we will get and more interest.
The main objective of Birthday Happiness Asia is to deliver birthday happiness to as many less fortunate children as possible, at least once in their lifetimes. However, with our unique methodology of working with Partnering Organisations we are not only able to reach deeper into society but we sometimes can help Partnering Organisations in other ways. This we term as
‘Supplementary Benefits’.
On a recent visit to the Caritas Centre in Caine Road, Central, Mr. Fernandes was told that the Centre is looking for old electronic equipment like laptops, iPads, Printers etc. that the Centre will refurbish and distribute to low income families that are badly needed in the digital age. If you can help please contact the Ms. Ellen Man or any of the Social Workers at 2843 4653. Please inform them that you were responding to their appeal after reading in the Birthday Happiness Asia’s Newsletter, M.E.F.
The article in the South China Morning Post first appeared in the South China Morning Post online edition on Thursday, 22nd April. The hard copy appeared in the Post Magazine on Sunday, 24th April.
Many people now consume their news online and Birthday Happiness Asia is trying to identify a suitable person to be in charge of our online presence. If anybody would like to help us to reach people in the digital world, please do not hesitate to contact us