On behalf of the Directors, we would like to welcome you to the fourth edition of our
Newsletter, M.E.F. At long last we are starting to emerge from the Covid winter. The Social
Welfare Department has finally relented and is now permitting the conducting of joyous
parties in Centres they support. Our first party of 2022 was on Saturday, 25th June in the Boys’ and Girls’ Club’s Kwan Oi Small Group Home in Tin Shui Wai. There are 5 female celebrants and 2 male celebrants. With their guests, there were 15 Participants. Because of the size of the Group Home the Partnering Organisation permitted only four Volunteers to attend the party. All the Volunteers had to pass a Covid-19 Antigen Rapid Test 12 hours prior to the start of the party. The party was led by Ms. Tope Orimolade and was hugely enjoyable with traditional party games Pass the Parcel, Musical Chairs and something never done at a Birthday Happiness Asia party: a magic show by Mr. Jose Almenares. Ms. Eva Lo Volunteered for the first time and kindly donated Goodie bags to the Participants. Each bag contained a water bottle, pencils and little gifts. Eva told the shop the purpose of bags and they gave her a large discount. Thank you also to Josh Almenares for helping as a Volunteer for the first time and doing wonderful magic show. None of the children had ever seen magic in real life and enjoyed his show very much, especially when he made his wallet catch fire! After the games and show the Celebrants made a wish, blew out the candles and cut a deliciously beautiful birthday cake donated by Mr. Jeremy Mair. Then the Celebrants and their guests ate French fries, spring rolls, chicken nuggets, chicken wings, sausages and cake. The Celebrants’ birthday gifts were kindly donated by Ms. Tracy Wut and Ms. Alex Garcia. This party was important because not only because it was the first party for this year but it was our first with The Boys’ and Girls’ Club Association and we are hoping after such a great event, the Directors will permit us to conduct joyous parties in all their seven Small Group Homes and over 20 Youth Centres in Hong Kong.
It finally seems as if Hong Kong has turned the Covid corner. With the rapidly
improving conditions it seems that the Social Welfare Department will permit
joyous parties to be conducted in Centres they support financially, albeit with
some restrictions on eating and drinking in the Centres. Hopefully that
restriction will also be removed in July and a full joyous party with fun and eating
and drinking together can soon be permitted.
With the improving situation, Birthday Happiness Asia has scheduled 3 parties in
July. On Saturday, 9th July we will have a joyous party with SoCo in their Centre
in Sham Shi Po. On Sunday, 23rd July we will go to the Caritas Centre in Ngau Tau
Kok Our final party in July is with the Hans Andersen Club in Tai O, Lantau Island
on Saturday 30th June.
Following the wonderful article in the South China Morning Post written by Ms.
Kylie Knott, the Hong Kong Economic Journal has contacted us asking to feature
us in their Journal.
The Hong Kong Economic Journal Monthly (信報財經月刊) is a monthly magazine
and is sold around the world, including Hong Kong, mainland China, Macau,
Taiwan, Southeast Asia, Japan, Europe, Australia, and the United States. EJ Insight
is the online English language news website of the Hong Kong Economic Journal.
The content comprises a mix of original English reporting and pieces translated
from the Chinese language Hong Kong Economic Journal.
The Reporter, Ms. Maren Tam has confirmed that she will attend the party on
Saturday, 9th July and report about Birthday Happiness Asia, talk to the Social
Workers, The Celebrants and their guests and the Volunteers. Hopefully she will
also be taking photographs.
We are hoping that the Hong Kong Economic Journal is the first of many outlets
that feature Birthday Happiness Asia, its objectives and dedicated Volunteers.
We have requested the help of Mr. Andrew Eden in getting more publicity for
Birthday Happiness Asia.
Last month, Birthday Happiness Asia held a Zoom Call with Mr. Roger Ong and Mr.
Jim Wong about future cooperation with the National Basketball Association. The
Association has one day per year reaching out to the community with basketball
clinics etc. and will consider working with Birthday Happiness Asia on their
Community Day and being Volunteers at future parties. Also, if a team from the
National Basketball Association is in Hong Kong or Asia during the off season they
will be invited to attend a party whilst in town.
Ms. Alice Tam from the Estate Agents Authority contacted Birthday Happiness Asia
because we “..... matched our target to help grassroots and underprivileged
families”. The Authority is kindly donating boxes of delicious cookies to the parties
in July.
We hope once the Authority sees the benefit of a simple birthday party they will
support us even more.
The Society for Community Organization has reached out to Birthday Happiness
Asia requesting help with their Online Fund Raising.
“Not only reaching out to the “boat people” from 1972, resettlement estate
residents and squatters, SoCo also serves underprivileged people who are
homeless or reside in caged homes and wood-partitioned cubicles. Throughout
the pandemic, SoCo persists in delivering personal preventative resources to care
for those in need.
Due to unforeseen circumstances, the Flag Day this year will be held virtually. We
encourage you to come join us and support us financially. Please help us to spread
the word. Your participation is greatly appreciated.
The goal for this year is $600,000. Tel: 2725 3165/ 2713 9165 Ms Yuen/Ms Ching WhatsApp: 9543 6561 Email:soco@soco.org.hk Public Subscription Permit:FD/R021/2022”
Please contact SoCo if you are able to help in anyway and please mention Birthday
Happiness Asia.