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Birthday Cake



Pei Ying

Hello! I am Peiying from Hong Kong :)
Birthdays are indeed among the most exciting and special occasions of the year! Yet as I grew older, I slowly understood how fortunate it was to have birthday celebrations with cakes
and gifts. Therefore, I joined Birthday Happiness Asia to spread more happiness and kindness to every corner of Hong Kong. Being a volunteer and team leader, this is such a
spectacular and meaningful opportunity, not only was I able to share the joy of birthdays with children, but it is also a reminder for me to always be grateful for what I have. Looking forward to contributing more and influencing more acts of kindness!

大家好!我係嚟自香港嘅Peiying! :)
生日派對係每一年之中最特別, 最令人興奮嘅時候!但係我長大咗之後,慢慢明白到可以舉
辦一個擁有蛋糕同禮物嘅生日派對係一件非常之幸運嘅事。所以我參加咗 Birthday
Happiness Asia ,希望將快樂帶到香港嘅每一個角落。參加 Birthday Happiness 嘅義工活動
係一個非常特別同有意義嘅機會, 因為我唔單止可以同小朋友一齊分享生日嘅快樂, 仲可以提


Hi, my name is Eszter Keszthelyi. I am from Hungary. I joined BHA because today's society is facing a lot of challenges and this initiative creates an opportunity for improving it a bit or at least sharing happiness and creating lasting moments with the kids on their Birthday. This gives them and us the chance to experience something that we could not. Through this, I gained a deeper understanding about other people's needs in society and made me more aware. I am grateful to be a part of celebrations and playing with kids and making connections in the local community.


Sziasztok, a nevem Keszthelyi Eszter. Magyarországról származom. Azért csatlakoztam a BHA-hoz, mert a mai társadalom sok kihívással néz szembe, és ez a kezdeményezés lehetőséget teremt arra, hogy egy kicsit javítsunk rajta, vagy legalábbis megosszuk a boldogságunkat egymással és maradandó pillanatokat teremtsünk a gyerekekkel a születésnapjukon. Ez lehetőséget ad nekik és nekünk is, hogy megtapasztalhassunk valami újat. Ezáltal mélyebb megértést nyertem a társadalomban élő emberek szükségleteiről, és tudatosabbá váltam ezen a téren. Hálás vagyok, hogy részese lehetek az ünnepségeknek, játszhatok a gyerekekkel és kapcsolatokat teremthetek a helyi közösségben.

Eszter Keszthelyi


Eva Lo is an experienced volunteer, and has worked with a variety of organizations serving low income families, disadvantaged children, young adults and the elderly. She has organized Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programmes for companies, as well as volunteer events for NGOs and charities. She is especially skilful at organizing fun, memorable events for children and teenagers.

Eva Lo 


Hello! I'm one of the cheerful team leaders at Birthday Happiness Asia. Growing up in Germany, I grew up with the belief that birthdays are a magical time where we all get to feel extra special for a day. But I know that not every child gets to experience this joy. That's why I'm here—to bring the sparkle of birthday celebrations to children with difficult background and create moments that make them feel loved and valued. Because everyone deserves a chance to shine on their special day. Let's make some happy birthday memories together!

Jenny Yuen


Joycelyn Sun

Hey everyone, I am Joycelyn, a F4/Y11 DSE student at Munsang College, and I am thrilled to be one of the team leaders here in BHA alongside other amazing volunteers!!

Ever Since joining a party organized by BHA, I found the values upheld by BHA in line with mine. Spread happiness to unfortunate children to create unforgettable memories in childhood!! While they are enjoying the party, receiving a special gift, i, as a volunteer, am able to enjoy the

vibrant, energetic vibe, smiles like them, and play different little games with them!!

Thanks to Edward, I am able to be one of the team leaders. Organizing a birthday party for children is always hard as it never goes on schedule, however, it goes without saying that organizing a birthday party for children is something meaningful and special!

Apart from sending birthday wishes to celebrants here, I am a student teacher, teaching students different school subjects, and I volunteer in different fields.

Outside community services, you will find me as an active student who is passionate in many activities, ranging from a wide variety of science olympiads like IBO, IJSO and IPho, to MUN. I

participate in different Olympiads and research competitions as I love to learn beyond the textbooks, knowing more about science and how the world works. I enjoy doing MUN and debating as I love public speaking, exchanging opinions with others, and seeing from different perspectives.

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